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Joining the Nursery

Parents are welcome to make an appointment to look around the Nursery at a mutually convenient time before making a formal application for a place.  The Nursery is also open during our Open Days in October and May, when visitors are able to visit without appointment.

To apply for a Nursery place, a Nursery Application Form must be completed, which will include the start date and the number of sessions that have been agreed with the Nursery Manager, together with the administration fee, as stated on the fee list below  A contract will then be sent confirming the date when the child will start and the sessions that he or she will be attending.  This contract must be signed and returned to the Nursery by the contracting parents together with payment of the deposit before the child starts at the Nursery.


Arrangements will then be made between the Nursery Manager and parents for the child to normally have two familiarisation visits at the Nursery before the child starts.

  • On the first meeting the parents and child will meet the child's key person and they will share completed relevant documentation. The key person will make the parent aware of the room's routines and discuss any concerns that they may have. This may be done via TEAMS or during a face to face meeting at the nursery.
  • During the second visit the parents will be asked to leave the child at the Nursery for an hour with the key person and there may be a number of these sessions.
  • Additional sessions will be suggested, and these will gradually be extended to help the child settle in to their new environment. The additional settling in visits are chargeable at the standard rate

Where applications exceed the number of places available, a waiting list is created for each Room and the following criteria apply in priority order:

  • Babies and children of parents who work at The Peterborough School and The Peterborough School Nursery.
  • Siblings of children who are attending The Peterborough School at the time of admission.
  • Siblings of babies and children who attend the Nursery.
  • Babies and children who require full time places at the Nursery.

The date of the application will also be considered when allocating places.  The number of children is strictly regulated so that the maximum permitted in each Room is not exceeded.

Children Moving to The Peterborough School

The Nursery Manager monitors closely the development of Preschool children and works with the Head of the Preparatory School to ensure a smooth transition. Nursery children have to be separately registered for Reception Class by the completion of a School Application Form, but the registration fee is not applicable and children undertake the usual hurdle of a Familiarisation Assessment Visit. Children spend a morning during the year preceding entry with the Reception Class to familiarise themselves with the classroom environment.  Should any child not be ready for the next step, the Nursery Manager and Head of Prep will advise parents of alternative options.  The overall School requirement remains that children must meet the standards commensurate with the ethos to which the school aspires and continue to do so throughout their time at School.

Nursery children will be advised of a date for their familiarisation morning in the Spring term preceding entry to the Reception Class in September.  The Head of the Preparatory School will contact parents to provide feedback after this visit.  Children also attend the formal Familiarisation Day in the June prior to starting School in September.

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